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Coffee Bean Origin Trip

Coffee Bean Origin Trip

Mr. Roberio Oliveira Silva (Executive Director of International Coffee Organization, ICO) has responded positively to this invitation, and he shall consider his previous arrangements and come back to me in due course. We are very happy about that. We do hope he can attend the trip.

Goal : to promote coffee and to increase sustainability of coffee.

Location : North Sumatra and Aceh Province, Indonesia.
Time : 7-13 May 2012.
Main Agenda:
  1. Gala-meeting (galadinner) (at Medan)
  2. Cupping Session (at Samosir Island, Lake Toba, North Sumatra)
  3. Field Trips (at Aceh and North Sumatra)
  4. Cultural Event (at Samosir Island, Lake Toba, North Sumatra)
  5. Etc.

  1. World’s Coffee Importers, Industries and Traders
  2. Indonesian’s Coffee Exporters, Industries, Processors and Traders
  3. World’s Government including its Agencies
  4. Indonesia's Central, Provincial and Regencial Governments
  5. World's and Indonesia's relevant professions and expertise such as roasters, Q-Graders, R-Graders, cuppers, traders, and farmers
  6. World's and Indonesian Relevant Business Supporting Organizations (BSO)
  7. World's and Indonesian Relevant Persons, Organizations and Associations.
We are very happy that Mr. Roberio Oliveira Silva (Executive Director of International Coffee Organization, ICO) has positively responded to this invitation, and he shall consider his previous arrangements and come back to me in due course. We are very happy about that. We do hope he can attend the trip.


Banda Aceh (Start, 7 May 2012) => Takengon (Gayo, 8) => Medan (9, 10) => Regencies of North Sumatra (10, 11) => Samosir Island (Lake Toba, 11, 12, 13)=> Back to Medan (13)

1.    Every prticipant pays contribution (cost): US$ 1,500 or IDR 14,250,000 (for accomodation, bus, cupping, cultural event, galadinner) per person
2.   We do need and hope sponsorships can give also supporting finance and facilities.

Impact (Fundrise):
The surplus of the budget will then be used to promote coffee to international and national as well as to increase the sustainability of quantity and quality of coffee bean production through creative coffee value chain

Registration Period:
1 January – 1 March 2012
(Note: the registration can be closed before 1 March 2012 if the number of participants already sufficient. The trip will only occur if the number of participants sufficient. Only limited number of participants).

Organizer of the Trip:

NSCF-North Sumatra Coffee Forum organizes the Trip. NSCF’s office  locates in Medan, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. NSCF is a civil society organization, non government organization (NGO). Ecoscofas (Ecofriendly and Sustainable Coffee Farming and Trading System) is the value of NSCF.  NSCF’s mission is to promote coffee and to increase sustainability of quality and quantity of coffee production through creative coffee value chain. NSCF’s activities can be in form of consultancy, expo, coffee tour/trip, promoting, research, workshop, seminar, training, teaching, co-worker, facilitating, etc. NSCF provides also facilitation and technical assistance to coffee growers, collectors and processors.  Further information about NSCF can be read in the page NSCF-North Sumatra Coffee Forum.

Registration and Information:
Please contact and register to :
Name : Dr. Sabam Malau (Chairman of NSCF)
Cell (HP, Mobile): +62(0)8126062016.


Those who are interested to be participant, please send your Curriculum Vitae (CV) to me through email as soon as possible.

Last but not least:

Dear friends,  I would be very grateful if you’d like to share and suggest this invitation to your members, companies, organizations, networks, colleagues or friends whoever  you think maybe interested in this event.  Thanks.

Kind regards and thanks.

Related post: Please click European Countries to Increase Import of Coffee from North Sumatra Indonesia


Wisata Asal Kopi ke Indonesia 2012

Acara: Wisata Asal Kopi ke Indonesia 2012
Tujuan: untuk memromosikan kopi dan untuk meningkatkan sustainabilitas kopi
Tempat: Provinsi Sumatera Utara dan Aceh, Indonesia
Waktu: 7-13 Mei 2012.
Agenda Utama:
1. Pertemuan besar (galadinner) (di Medan)
2. Sesi Cicip Kopi (di Pulau Samosir, Danau Toba, Sumatera Utara)
3. Kunjungan Lapang (di Aceh and Sumatera Utara)
4. Acara Budaya ( di Pulau Samosir, Danau Toba, Sumatera Utara)
5. dll.

- Importir, Industri dan Pedagang dari manca negara
- Eksportir, Industri, Pengolah, dan pedagang dari Indonesia
- Pemeritah dan lembaga-lembaganya dari manca negara
- Pemerintah Indonesia, Provinsi, dan Kabupaten
- Profesional dan ahli yang relevan dari manca negara dan Indonesia seperti penyangrai (roasters), Q-Graders, R-Graders, pencicip kopi (cuppers), baristas,pedagang, dan petani
- Organisasi Penyokong Bisnis yang relevan
- Individu,organisasi dan asosiasi yang relevan dari manca negara dan Indonesia.

Kita gembira bahwa Pak Roberio Oliveira Silva (Direktur Eksecutif Organisasi Kopi Internasional, OKI) telah merespons secara positif terhadap undangan ini, dan beliau akan mempertimbangkan kembali acara-acaranya sebelumnya, dan beliau akan menghubungi saya lagi pada waktunya. Kita sangat gembira tentang itu, Kita sunguh-sungguh mengharapkan kehadiran beliau pada acara Wsata ini.

Banda Aceh (Titik Kumpul, Mulai, 7 Mei 2012) => Takengon (Gayo, 8) => Medan (9, 10) => Kabupaten-kabupaten di Sumatera Utara (10, 11) => Pulau Samosir (Danau Toba, 11, 12, 13)=> Kembali ke Medan (13)

1. Setiap peserta membayar kontribusi (biaya): USD 1.500 atau Rp. 14.250.000 (untuk akomodasi, bus, cicip kopi, acara budaya, galadinner).
2. Kita sungguh-sungguh membutuhkan dan berharap adanya sponsor yang dapat memberikan bantuan biaya dan fasilitas.

Surplus dari budget akan digunakan untuk memromosikan kopi ke dunia internasional dan dalam negeri dan juga untuk meningkatkan sustainabilitas jumlah dan kualitas produksi kopi melalui rantai nilai kopi yang kreatif.

Masa Pendaftaran:
1 Januari – 1 Maret 2012
(Catatan: pendaftaran dapat ditutup sebelum 1 Maret 2012 jika jumlah peserta telah cukup. Wisata hanya akan terjadi apabila jumlah peserta cukup. Jumlah terbatas.)

Pengorganisir Wisata:

NSCF-North Sumatra Coffee Forum (FKSU-Forum Kopi Smatera Utara) mengelola wisata ini. Kantor NSCF berada di Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. NSCF adalah sebuah Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) dari masyarakat umum. Ecoscofas (Ecofriendly and Sustainable Coffee Farming and Trading System) adalah nilai dan tujuan NSCF. Misi NSCF adalah untuk memromosikan kopi dan untuk meningkatkan sustainabilitas jumlah dan kualitas produksi kopi melalui rantai nilai kopi yang kreatif. Aktivitas NSCF dapat berbentuk konsultansi, ekspo, promosi, wisata, lokakarya, seminar, pelatihan, pengajaran, kerja sama, fasilitiasi, dll. NSCF memberikan fasilitasi dan bantuan teknis kepada petani kopi, pengumpul kopi, dan pengolah kopi. Informasi selajutnya tentang NSCF dapat dibaca ada website dari NSCF-North Sumatra Coffee Forum.

Registrasi dan Informasi:
Silahkan menghubungi dan mendaftar kepada:
Nama : Dr. Sabam Malau (Chairman of NSCF)
Hand Phone: +62(0)8126062016.

Yang tertarik menjadi peserta diminta untuk mengirimkan CVnya (Curriculum Vitae) melalui email kepada saya secepatnya.

Terakhir tapi penting:
Teman-teman yth, saya akan sangat berterima kasih jika Anda berkenan menyebarluaskan dan menyarankan undangan ini kepada jejaring, teman, dan sahabat Anda. Terima kasih.

Related post: Please click European Countries to Increase Import of Coffee from North Sumatra Indonesia

Thanks.  Kind regards.

Dr. Ir. Sabam Malau

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