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IPTEK: Ini cara membuat kolam membersihkan dirinya otomatis

IPTEK: Ini cara membuat kolam membersihkan dirinya otomatis.

Begini konsep pemikirannya secara keseluruhan.
Air hujan merupakan anugerah dari Tuhan Oleh karena itu, air hujan harus dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai keperluan seperti untuk memelihara ikan di kolam semen dengan cara organik di pekarangan rumah sehingga disebut ikan organik sebagaimana yang saya lakukan. Ikan yang dipelihara tentu harus dipilih dengan cerdik, dan pemilihan dan pemberian pakan organiknya pun harus dilakukan dengan tepat dan Kolam tersebut dapat juga disebut sebagai kolam biodiversitas karena terdapat ikan gurame dan ikan gobi di dalamnya. Mereka melakukan hubungan yang saling menguntungkan (simbiosis mutualistis). Kolam ini dapat membersihkan air secara otomatis dengan cara cerdas seperti ini atau ini Itu sebabnya ikan pun bisa sangat besar (ikan raksasa) seperti ikan gurame yang beratnya 6-10 kg per ekor ini

Secara keseluruhan taman saya ini disebut Taman Biodiversitas (Taman Kenaekaragaman Hayati) (lihat di

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Terima kasih.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Sabam Malau

Para sahabat yang terhormat, SATU-SATUNYA cara agar kita bisa selamat dari virus Covid-19 dan bisa menyelamatkan orang lain dari virus Covid-19 sesuai dengan penjelasan Pemerintah RI dapat dilihat di Penjelasan mengapa MASKER sangat harus digunakan dapat dilihat di sini


Science and Technology: This is how to make the pool clean itself automatically.

Science and Technology: Biodiversity Park (Biodiversity Park).

Here's the concept of thinking as a whole.
Rainwater is a gift from God Therefore, rainwater must be used for various purposes such as to raise fish in a cement pool in an organic way in the yard so that it is called organic fish as I do. Fish that are kept must be cleverly chosen, and the selection and feeding of organic feed must be done appropriately and 7Sk14eUbCSA. The pond can also be referred to as a biodiversity pond because there are carp and gobi in it. They have a mutually beneficial relationship (mutualistic symbiosis). This pool can clean water automatically in a smart way like this or this That is why fish can be very large (giant fish) like carp that weighs 6-10 kg per head, this is

Overall my park is called the Biodiversity Park (Biodiversity Park) (see

Please click on subscribe, like and share.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Sabam Malau

Dear friends, the ONLY way for us to survive the Covid-19 virus and be able to save others from the Covid-19 virus according to the Indonesian Government's explanation can be seen at yXIESXLKYIY. An explanation of why MASKER should really be used can be seen here


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The U.S. FDA registered Goldenways Coffee

The U.S. FDA registered Goldenways Coffee since 2012 (Dalam Bahasa Indonesia Goldenways Coffee terdaftar di FDA Amerika Serikat Sejak Tahun 2012 ) Regards aleale.  Herewith I may inform you that the U.S. Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) has provided confirmation since 27 December 2012 that the Goldenways Coffee has been registered at FDA.   Goldenways Coffee belonging to me is a small company underwhich I send the coffee (roasted coffee bean and ground coffee) to the USA and other countries.  We provide the world's best tasty, healthy and fragrance coffee to you. The profit will be used to help poor farmers of coffee through program of coffee develoment that is pro-environment, pro-growth, and pro-poor farmers. Wish us luck. The coffee I sell:  - Aleale Specialty Coffee and Sirambumas Specialty Coffee,  Coffee to Sell ,  -  Luwak Coffee , and  -  Peaberry Civet Coffee .  The pupose of the selling is to make better coffee system such as to increase