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Showing posts with the label AEKI

Pemain Terbaik Piala Dunia 2018 ini_1_Best Players of World Cup


Pdt Willem TP. Simarmata, MA

Prokemajemukan, prorakyat, prodifabel (prodisabilitas). Pilihlah Pak Pdt Willem TP. Simarmata, MA menjadi anggota Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (DPD) RI dari Provinsi Sumatera Utara Periode 2019_2024. Salam coffee, salam C. Dr. Ir. Sabam Malau

Coffee Exporters

Coffee Exporters Coffee Exporters and Industries (AEKI) of North Sumatera discussed coffee development in North Sumatera Province, Indonesia. The discussion took place in AEKI office on Tuesday 28 December 2010. Sabam Malau explained that NSCF is a civil society-non profilt oriented organization.  NSCF pays great attention on coffee in North Sumatera because Coffee value chain is responsible for life of more than 1,000,000 people in North Sumatera Province of Indonesia. They are coffee growers (160,000 households = 800,000 persons; coffee collectors and traders,  coffee roasters, coffee workers at coffee industries and coffee exporters, and cafe shops, etc.  NSCF makes efforts to maintain coffee production as well as  to increase economic value of coffee in short years to come. NSCF participates in developing of coffee agriculture by implementing good agricultural practice, competitive, ecofarming, integrated farming system and sustainable. The activities can b