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Unfairness in coffee value chain

Unfairness in Coffee Value Chain     The current price of 1 (one) kilogram of coffee bean  at coffee growers level  is  equally to a cup of coffee at consumers level.  In other words, coffee growers receive only around 5% of coffee value; it is a great unfairness.       Doing unfairness to coffee growers will result in decreasing quantity of coffee bean production.  Coffee bean supply will decrease, and hence coffee bean price will climb higher and higher. It's a Supply-Demand law.  If  Supply is less than Demand, then the price surely climbs higher and higher and higher.        Coffee growers are human being. Hence, they have right to have good live and home, to provide education for their children, to have savings, etc.  If they don't get enough money from coffee farm, then the will replant their coffee field with other crops. This has happened in large part of the coffee world. Thanks , Dr. Ir. Sabam Malau NSCF Chairman December 29, 2010.