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Coffee World Changed by Leadership

Coffee World Changed by Leadership Do you ever think that you are capable of creating a better coffee world? If you said "NO, and NO", then you must say now "YES and YES".  Did you ever imagine that you were a real leader in coffee world and could change the coffee world? If you said "NO, NO and NO", then now you must say "YES, YES and YES". But, how? The following are the answer. Although you now don't have followers yet, but you can be a real leader. No one doubt about it simply because your way can be followed by others.  In this case, you are a leader. Photo: Dr. Sabam Malau with Chairman and Member of Pro-Agribusiness Alliance of Pakpak Bharat Regency. On this discussion, we finalized the program action to establish rabbit husbandry that produces organic fertilizers used for important type of plants such as coffee plant. The husbandry has been operating since July 2011.  Coffee world must be changed and can