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Pemain Terbaik Piala Dunia 2018 ini_1_Best Players of World Cup


Starbucks Coffee

Starbucks Coffee Sola Gratia Malau asked: "Daddy, do you know special drinks at Starbucks Coffee tonight?". "No, my dear daughter. Why you asked me so? You look very eager to know it". Photo 1. Dr. Sabam Malau and Ir. Maria Rumondang Sihotang MSc standing  in front of Starbucks Coffee at Cambridge City Square at Medan, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia  ( Photo taken on 1 6 September 2011 ) . “Happy birthday, Daddy. Let’s drink special coffee tonight at Starbucks Coffee for your birthday celebration today 16 September”,  said my daughter Sola Gratia Malau to me. “That’s a smart idea”,  said my wife Maria Rumondang Sihotang to support Sola’s idea.  “Thanks Mom for supporting. Daddy, you are Chairman of North Sumatra Coffee Forum, so it’s good to you to drink the most expensive coffee drink in this town, at Starbucks Coffee”,  added Sola smiling.  "Ha…ha…ha…ha….",  I was laughing happily because I know they wanted to make me happy