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Coffee Origin Trip

Coffee Origin Trip Coffee Origin Trip January 2012 was held succesfully on 22-25 January 2012.  The trip was started from Medan to Dairi,  Simalungun, Tobasa, North Tapanuli, Humbang Hasundutan, and finally Samosir Regencies.  This was the first coffee trip conducted by NSCF-North Sumatra Coffee Forum. Sabam Malau, the chairman of NSCF, guided the trip.  The theme of the trip was "From Plant to Cup" : the trip attendees were exposed comletely to plant, fruit, bean, roasted bean, patios, huller, roasting, roaster, farmers, land, cupping and drinking. We brought also them to cultural and ecological experiences. They experienced extraordinary feelings about coffee world. Ms Afi Nafisah, a very smart and enthusiastic lady, reveals her experience from this trip, please click " Afi Nafisah's Impression of NSCF Coffee Origin Trip ". The following are photos which can reveal the whole story of the coffee trip. Photo 1. Coffee Tasting at Saor