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S ekitar 32 ribu orang meninggal dunia karena kanker ganas MESOTELIOMA (MESOTHELIOMA) p ada tahun 2015.   Di Amerika Serikat masyarakat dapat menuntut ganti rugi (c ompensation mesothelioma ,  mesothelioma compensation, mesothelioma settlement fund ,  statute of limitations on mesothelioma claims ,  pleural mesothelioma stages ) dengan bantuan para pengacara seperti  mesothelioma attorney houston, mesothelioma attorney california, , mesothelioma lawyer directory, mesothelioma lawsuit settlements, lawyers for mesothelioma. Penyebabnya adalah asbes (asbestos).  Asbes yang dipakai sebagai atap rumah atau plafon langit-langit rumah sangat membahayakan manusia.   Masyarakat Indonesia memerlukan perlindungan dari Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia (LKI). ASBES adalah PEMBUNUH ganas. Sumber gambar : healthdetikcom Bacalah penelasan lebih lengkap di (klik) MESOTELIOMA adalah  PEMBUNUH ganas . Workshop dokter pendidik klinis LOWONGAN KERJA TERDEKAT     Beasiswa dan kuliah di L


MESOTELIOMA adalah  PEMBUNUH ganas.   MESOTHELIOMA  atau MESOTELIOMA adalah suatu tipe kanker yang agresif (ganas).  Masyarakat perlu dilindungi , dan m ayarakat bisa menuntut ganti rugi.  C ompensation mesothelioma, mesothelioma attorney houston, mesothelioma attorney california, mesothelioma compensation, pleural mesothelioma stages, mesothelioma lawyer directory, mesothelioma lawsuit settlements, statute of limitations on mesothelioma claims, lawyers for mesothelioma, mesothelioma settlement fund.   Kanker ini berkembang dari lapisan tipis yang menutupi banyak organ-organ internal (dikenal sebagai mesothelium).  Area yang paling umum terkena adalah lapisan paru-paru (lung), jantung (heart), dan perut (abdomen),  dan dinding dada (chest wall).  Lebih dari 80% kasus mesotelioma disebabkan oleh asbes (asbestos). Pada tahun 2015, sekitar 32 ribu orang meninggal karena mesotelioma.   ASBES adalah PEMBUNUH ganas. Serbuk asbes masuk ke dalam tubuh karena dihirup. Pencegahan :

Managers of VOLCAFE and DAK MAN and Chairman of NSCF met together

Managers of VOLCAFE and DAK MAN and Chairman of NSCF met together Meeting with expert, professional and competent managers of VOLCAFE and DAK MAN had made great happiness to me. Mr Michael Lutz, the General Manager of PT VOLKOPI INDONESIA at Medan, introduced me to them.  Photo 1:  Elisabeth J. Barry  at Laboratory of PT Volkopi Indonesia in Medan. Photo taken by Dr. Sabam Malau on 7 October 2011. Photo 2: Mr  Le Nghia Tri Dung  at Laboratory of PT Volkopi Indonesia in Medan. Photo taken by Dr. Sabam Malau on 7 October 2011. Mr  Le Nghia Tri Dung  is Warehousing & Quality Manager of VOLCAFE Ltd at Representative Office in Ho Chi Minn City, Vietnam while Ms  Elisabeth J. Barry  is Operation Manager of DAK MAN (MAN – Bouon Ma Thuot Coffee Processing & Export J.V.Co.) Vietnam. Ms  Elisabeth J. Barry is a lady from United Kingdom (UK). As Chairman of North Sumatra Coffee Forum (NSCF), I informed to them the duty of NSCF. We talked also about coffe

The Toba Lake Coffee Research Initiative (LTCRI) Project

The Toba Lake Coffee Research Initiative (LTCRI) Project PT Volkopi Indonesia (member of VOLCAFE GROUP, the Coffee Division of ED&F MAN) together with North Sumatra Coffee Forum (NCF) signed Memorandum odf Understanding (MoU to do the Lake Toba Coffee Research Initiative (LTCR) Project.  The LTCRI project period is 4 years, starts on 12 September 20111 and end on 11 September 2015.    Photo 1: Mr. Micahel Lutz and Dr. Sabam Malau signing on 3 October 2011 the MoU of LTCRI Project         The MoU is signed on 3 October 2011 by Dr Sabam Malau (Chairman of NSCF) and Mr Micahel Lutz (General Manager of PT VOLKOPI INDONESIA) at Mr Lutz’s office. Prior to it, the gentle agreement was made on 12 September 2011 (see and click page PT Volkopi Indonesia Sells Only the Best Bean of  Coffee ; also see and click page Coffee Breeding by PT Volkopi Indonesia and NSCF ).     PT Volkopi Indonesia is one of the biggest coffee exporter company, headquartered at Jalan Pelajar

PT Volkopi Indonesia Sells only the Best Coffee Bean

PT Volkopi Indonesia Sells only  the Best Coffee Bean “ I hope our research can have a valuable impact on many generations to come” , said  Mr.  Michael Lutz (General Manager of  PT Volkopi Indonesia)  to Sabam Malau. The signed MoU (Memorandum of Undestanding), click page The Lake Toba Coffee Research Initiative (LTCRI) Project .    Picture 1: Michael Lutz and Sabam Malau discussing at Lutz’s office. Photo taken on 12 September 2011. P T Volkopi Indonesia is member of VOLCAFE Group, the Coffee Division of ED & F MAN which is a very famous, credible and one of the world's leading coffee merchants.  The Head Office of  ED & F MAN's  coffee business is in Winterthur Switzerland.  Dr Sabam Malau is the Chairman of NSCF-North Sumatera Coffee Forum. Sabam Malau and Michael Lutz met and discussed in a friendly atmosphere on 12 September 2011 at Volkopi Indonesia’s office at Jalan Pelajar Timur Gang Sempurna 15 Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesi

Coffee Breeding by PT Volkopi Indonesia and NSCF

Coffee Breeding by PT Volkopi Indonesia and NSCF PT Volkopi Indonesia and NSCF together have been starting a coffee breeding which output will be a new genotype of coffee plant that will be resistant to Coffee Berry Borer (CBB).   To read the the commitment of the cooperation between PT Volkopi Indonesia with NSCF, please click " PT Volkopi Indonesia Sells only the Best Coffee Bean ". Picture 1: Nethouse at PT Volkopi Indonesia’s Station at Sigumpar. Dr Sabam Malau (left, plant breeding scientist) and Mr Roberto Cardona (right, Chief of Agronomist). Photo taken on 9 September 2011. The following is a brief explaination about background, method and output of the research. The research is lead by Dr. Sabam Malau, the Chairman of NSCF-North Sumatera Coffee Forum. PT Volkopi Indonesia is member of  VOLCAFE Group which is a very big player, famous and credible world's coffee trader. A. Background CBB is the most destructive pest in the worl

Coffee Research Cooperation between NSCF and BPTP

Coffee Research Cooperation between NSCF and BPTP Right here on this Station Gurgur, there are several germplasm of coffee” said Mr. Jintamin Saragih and Ms. Sortha Simatupang to Sabam Malau as the latter visited Station Gurgur. Photo 1: Mr. Jintamin Saragih standing in front of  Coffee Variety Sigarar Utang at Station Gurgur Jintamin Saragih SP is the Head of Station (Kebun) Gurgur. The Station Gurgur is a technical implementation wing of Institute for Agricultural Technology (Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian, BPTP) that belongs to Goverment. Ir Sortha Simatupang MS is a scientist of BPTP. Dr Sabam Malau is the Chairman of NSCF-North Sumatera Coffee Forum . Sabam Malau visited the Station Gurgur on 8 September 2011 as well as discussed with them both.  Picture 2: Dr. Sabam Malau standing beside Coffee Variety Sigarar Utang at Station Gurgur The results. We all agreed that NSCF will lead a research cooperation between NSCF and both of them in search