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Pemain Terbaik Piala Dunia 2018 ini_1_Best Players of World Cup


Tobasa Coffee

Tobasa Coffee "Investation on coffee in Tobasa will surely be success",  so said Mr. Hormat Panjaitan to Mr. Sabam Malau in a friendly interview at Hormat Panjaitan’s office in Balige. Photo 1: Sabam Malau ( white shirt ) shaked hands with Hormat Panjaitan. The others  (from left to right) are Parlindungan Manurung, Mintar Manurung, Jose Rizal Pasaribu and Pison J. Tampubolon.  Photo taken at Hormat Panjaitan’s office in Balige. Hormat Panjaitan S.IP is Head of Forestry and Estate Department at Tobasa Government Office, and Dr. Sabam Malau is Chairman of NSCF-North Sumatera Coffee Forum. Tobasa Rigency is one of 26 regencies of North Sumatera Province of Indonesia. Tobasa area consists of forestry, farm land, and a part of Toba Lake, the largest lake in the world. At the interview, Hormat Panjaitan was accompanied by his staffs namely Jose Rizal Pasaribu SH, Ir. Mintar Manurung, Parlindungan Manurung, SST and Ir. Pison J. Tampubolon. Sometimes, the staff